It is best to always choose food first for nutrition and vitamin and mineral intake. However, sometimes food alone does not supply what we need for a specific nutrient to aid in wellness. For example, although certain foods can promote healthy sleep, we sometimes need additional support to help us fall or stay asleep. Start with a quick inventory of how you have been feeling and how your diet may be effecting these symptoms. We are what we eat, so what we consume nutritionally will reflect how we feel. To take it a step further, keep a food journal for three days to see what your patterns are reflecting and how this could connect to your feelings. Check out the list below of potential symptoms for where supplementation can aid in wellness in combination with a balanced diet and physical movement:
- Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
- Increased anxiety
- Brain fog
- Low energy
- Unhappy gut function
- Low immune support
- Low attention span
Unsure of how to get started on your journey to wellness? Call our office at 303-393-1726 and schedule a personalized nutrition consult.
Happy Wellness!